Monday, December 15, 2014

11/2/2014 Landon Driving?

 Hi Mom,

It has been a very crazy week. We had the last exchanges of the transfer. I officially finished my twelve weeks of training yesterday, so now I am no longer a "greenie." Although I have never been called that, because president banned that word from the mission two years ago, because he thought it was very disrespectful.
Yesterday was stake conference, so we had to go to Cheltenham for that. Tobias came with us. I was a little worried that he would not like it, he speaks so little English, but thankfully there was a recent convert there that spoke fluent polish. So she was able to translate for him and he really enjoyed it. President Rasmussen spoke at conference as well as Elder Dryden of the area 70. When I went up and said hello to Elder Dryden to my surprise he remembered me from when I met him in the MTC. Which really amazed me, because our meeting in the MTC was just a handshake and a ten second conversation and it was almost three months ago. 

Funny story from conference: so we had the evening session on Saturday night that all the missionaries were asked to attend and we had service right before hand, so there was no time to go back to the flat and change, so we we brought our suits to the service in the car and went straight from service to conference. And when we got there I realized that I forgot to bring my dress shoes, so I went to the evening session of stake conference with just my black socks on my feet. 

I love you very much and I hope everything continues to go well. and by the way, to answer your question I do have a warm enough coat. I found one on exchange in the Stroud missionary flat that some one left behind. It is the coolest coat I have very seen and it is very nice and warm. So they let me take it because I needed a better coat. It needs a couple buttons resown but I can do that no problem.

Until next week do wezennia (that's polish for good bye I learned that from Tobias)

Elder Purser

Hi Dad,

Sounds like things are the same old, same old, back in the states. Except for Bethany about to have her baby of course. That is very exciting. Speaking of babies how much longer does Abi have until she has her baby? And is anyone else looking like they may be expecting ?  I realize that sounded worse then I meant, but I can not think of any other way to ask.

In other news I finished my training yesterday and today is dodge day which basically  means that today is the day President calls people to be district leaders, zone leaders and assistants. So every missionary goes through their P day wondering if the phone will ring. And tonight is dodge night, which is when the assistants announce transfers. Every one in our district is betting that elder Orr is leaving because he has been in the forest for six months, he has spent a quarter of his mission here, half of that training me.

Oh and do not tell mom this but the president gave me a surprise call last week and asked me to start driving so I have been out on a couple of test drives... Can you say...


Not only do they drive on the wrong side of the road, but they also make the roads only a third of the size of the roads back home. To be fair, the cars are also smaller but not that much smaller. Luckily I did manage to do all the drives with out any problems. Although it got a little hard to breath a couple of times when I passed buses on the two way lanes. Of course, the test drives don't mean anything unless I get a call from president saying that he authorizes me to be a driver. But it still does not look good for Elder Orr's chances of staying. 

Also the church needs my social security number because of the affordable health care act. The church has to get it for missionary health care purposes, but I cannot remember mine. How can we get it to them?

Also please let me know when you get the next quarterly report for the book.  I do not think about it very often, but occasionally during a quiet moment on p day or at night I remember all the time and energy and money I put into it, and it both amuses and annoys me that I don't know if all that hard work is paying off.

Naraje (that is polish for see ya and I have no idea if that is how you spell it)

Elder Purser

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