Monday, December 15, 2014

11/10/2014 Transfers - Elder Orr moves on

Hi Mom,

I hope your foot starts feeling better. I can not believe that the I Family showcase is on Friday!  Have I really been out here for an entire semester of I Family? Holy crap, that went by fast.

Last week was absolutely crazy! Elder Orr was transferred to Cur Filly, which is Wales, so we had to go to Gloucester for transfers. He got on the coach (bus) and went to the mission home along with half of of our district. I ended up spending most of the day with the other elders while we waited for the coach to come back bringing our new companions. But it was good, we had lunch at McDonald's. It was my first time eating there in the UK. They are way nicer over here.

Then we went and toured Gloucester Cathedral. It was amazing! The great east window is larger then a tennis court and for a long time it was the biggest window in the world. It is also where they filmed some of the first Harry Potter movie. We also had the opportunity to tour the crypt which was really cool. They actually hid the throne of England down there in the second world war to protect it from German bombing.

After that we went back to the station and our new companions arrived. I am now with Elder Hall. He is from Layton Utah. He is pretty cool. He is currently recovering from a back injury he got when he crashed his bike. He was also kind enough to grab my post (mail) for me while he was at the mission office, which was nice because I had not had any post for five and half weeks.

 Jaleesa? (I have been out here too long, I can't remember if my sister has one or two E's in her name) she sent me some snacks and a dish scrubber thing that has actually been quite useful.

This week we had bonfire night which is the English version of the forth of July. The story goes that there was this guy named Guy Fox and he tried to blow up parliament but he got caught before he could do it and to celebrate the English build  huge bonfires and shoot of fireworks and eat tons of food. The Branch here in the forest is famous for hosting one of the best Bonfire parties around, so we got to help build the bonfire and set everything up.

The fireworks show they put on was probably the best private fireworks show I have ever seen. It lasted about twenty minutes. I asked Brother Lawson how much it cost him and he said it cost three hundred pounds!!!! That is enough money to buy two and a half months worth of groceries!

This week we also had Jonah turn eight and get baptized and we had the opportunity to fill the font and help set it up. then this last Sunday was remembrance Sunday, the English version of memorial day, which also happened to be 9/11 which was quite appropriate. Well I need to go do my shopping I love very much!

Until next week Best of Britain

Elder Purser


Hi Dad

(This is in reference to my encrypting his ss number that he requested)
I was a bit confused when I got your Email, but after I read it a second time I saw what you did. That was pretty clever.
Last week was really nuts we went to Gloucester for transfers and Elder Orr got on the coach and left and I stood there with Elder Chantry. And I was like, "What am I supposed to do with the car? I still have not been authorized by president to drive, but I can not leave the car in the station parking lot any longer  because our time is up." 

Then elder Chantry was like, "We can't stay here any longer or we will be breaking the law so lets go find some where to eat lunch." So we got in the car and I got my first taste of big city driving. 

Then when we came back to the station and our new companions arrived, I found out that Elder Hall has been out over a year so his American drivers license is no good.  He said that president told him that I would be driving until he could get an English drivers license, then he would be the driver. 

So I have been driving everywhere for the past five or so days. We had a really funny Dinner Appointment with the Mason family on Sunday. Brother Mason jokingly tried setting us up with his two daughters, which gave us all a good laugh. And to make it even funnier, we played along and had a bit of a Johnny Lingo bride bargaining. The final agreement we came to was that he would let me have his older daughter if I would arrange it so that they could all come live in Idaho Falls. It is a shame we were only joking around, because his older daughter is pretty hot. 

Anyway, on a more missionary note, I will get to go to my second zone conference this transfer and we may have a member of the seventy come. That happens occasionally. And we may be having another baptism coming up in a couple of weeks, so lots of exciting things are happening here. Talk to you next week!


Elder Purser

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