Monday, December 15, 2014

email 10/28/2014 missionary work via google translate

Hi Mom,

Sorry I was unable to email yesterday. We spent all our computer time at the library teaching Tobias, so president gave us permission to Email today. I don't think I have told you about Tobias yet he is a Polish guy we met and started teaching a couple of weeks ago. He knows about 20 words of English and we know even less Polish, so every lesson with him is an adventure. We have to teach him at the library and translate every thing we want to say to him on the computer, and it takes way longer then a normal lesson. He came to church on Sunday and stayed for the baptism.

The number one question people asked us during church was "how in the world are you teaching this guy?" The answer of course being that we have not taught him anything it is 100% the spirit. We showed up to that first lesson in the park armed with nothing but a polish copy of the Book of Mormon we found in the flat and the holy ghost, and now he is preparing to be baptized and I am convinced it has nothing to do with our teaching. If anything we are slowing him down.

Naz was baptized and confirmed after church. It was an amazing experience! I had the privilege of saying the opening prayer and being a witness for the baptism. Several people said that they really enjoyed the baptismal service, which is good, because we put a lot of time into it.

I was going to send you some pictures and then I left the camera in the flat, so I will just have to send them next P day. Speaking of next P day, that will be the first dodge day that applies to me. Dodge day is the day that President calls people to leadership positions. Every missionary goes through P day wondering if they are going to get a calling or be released from the calling they have. Then of course that night, dodge night, is when we find out who is getting transferred.

It is so weird to think that next week I may be asked to pick up and move to who knows where. It is very strange how time works, it does not feel like I have been here very long, but I just realized while I was sitting here that tomorrow is going to be the ninetieth day of my mission and in eleven days will be my one hundredth day or about one seventh of my mission done! Which is crazy! And of course my first Christmas in the UK is less then two months away and the following January will mark my six month mark or a quarter of my mission! Well I should probably wrap this up so I can get back to work.

I love you very much and I hope you continue to be well.

Elder Purser

------------------ Hi Dad,

Things have been going well here, Naz got baptized on Sunday which was very good. I have been working with her since week one of my mission and the missionaries had been working with her for months before that! But she did make it. She read the book of Mormon cover to cover gave up Tea, Coffee and Cigarettes and now she is a member of the church!

I wish all our investigators were that easy. I am currently on exchange in Yate. We were supposed to Email on P day but then we had to teach Tobias (see moms email for more on Tobias) so we got permission from president to do our Emailing today.

I am quite excited because Elder Novotny Emailed me back! I have not heard anything about him since we left the MTC. He is currently serving in Ireland.

Those were good times in the MTC! It is crazy how slow the MTC went by, even though it was only two weeks long, it felt like we were in there for a month.

Well I should probably keep this short so that we can get on with our exchange. Talk to you next week!

Elder Purser

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