Monday, December 15, 2014

emails 10/20/2014

Hi Mom,

I am glad to hear that everything is going well back home and that everyone is doing all-right. I am quite excited this week because Naz is getting baptised on Sunday!!!!! I it is crazy to think that I invited her to be baptised on my second day in the mission field and now she finally is!!

Yesterday was a little disappointing, because we had the children's primary program and we knocked the whole neighbourhood around the church during the week before, inviting people to come see it. We invited about 70 or so people to come and a large number of them said they would... and not a single one of them showed up.

Last week was crazy, we had back to back exchanges with the Stroud elders and the Zone Leaders. And Elder Orr went to Cheltenham and he left me in charge of the Forest of Dean. Elder Steflik and I got so lost and then we got a flat tyre in the Zone Leaders car, way out in the middle of nowhere. Luckily we had all the tools to fix it, or we would have been stuck there most of the night waiting for one of the members to come rescue us.

This week we have back to back exchanges with the Stroud elders and the Yate elders. These exchanges are starting to get really annoying because every time I go to the other areas I have to eat their food. And they do not have anything good to eat. Like they will have pasta, but no sauce to go with it, or they have some good stuff, but their companion tells me not to eat it because the other elder is going to use it for something, and then I come back and they have eaten all my good stuff!! It feels so unfair.

While I am on the subject of food, could you please send me some recipes? I have run out of ideas of things to cook. I am particularly having trouble finding good things to make for breakfast and lunch, because we often do not have much time to cook and so we usually go with things that are quick and easy, but not very healthy. But I need to get into better shape because I get tired out far to quickly. I am exercising every morning, but I need more good food to eat. Please let me know if anyone has suggestions of meals that are quick, easy to make, and are pretty healthy.

I love you very much and I look forward to when I get to see you at Christmas (on the computer)

Elder Purser
olah Padre, como estas?

So I did get in to Southern Virginia then. That is good to know, since I did all that work to apply before I left. you told them to put me down for the fall semester when I get back right? anyway it is nice to know that I have the option of going there when I finish my mission. 
This week was a real adventure because I got to change my first tyre in England. At least I think it was England, we might have been in Wales (we were lost at the time). Today we get to go shopping!!!! 
It is really funny how back home shopping was not a very exciting experience, but here it is like the ultimate weekly Walmart run, just because it is basically the only time we get to go out in public and do something that normal people do; plus we are in England, so everything is different in the shops here. So we are always experimenting with the food, and eating is the only vice we are allowed, so we spoil ourselves rotten every week and eat like kings. At least I do. I have found that a lot of the other elders just eat sandwiches and the English version of Ramen noodles, which is even more disgusting then the real thing. 
For your information a Lorry is a truck and trouble and strife is wife hahaha! 
Your fun fact for today is that in medieval times commoners would live their entire lives without going more then ten miles away from where they were born. Nowadays we have cars, trains, buses, and air planes that make world travel possible... but the attitude of your average Englishmen towards travel has not changed. They still hate going places, even though they can now do it in no time, which makes it really hard to get members present at our lessons. Well I've got to dash, off best of luck!

Elder Purser

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