Monday, September 22, 2014

email, busy week for Elder Purser

Hello Everyone!

I am glad to hear things are going well back home, although it sounds like a lot of people have gotten sick or hurt, but hopefully they will all get better.

Things have been going very well here. I got to go to my first Zone conference last week, which was really fun I got to see a few of my friends from the MTC there and we also got to go to Stroud for another baptismal interview. They have had three baptisms in the last few weeks and they have a few more investigators on dates already!  At this rate they will baptise the whole town by Christmas!

Here in the forest of dean we taught another eight lessons last week, but we had to drop three of our investigators and one of our really good investigators has moved to Bristol. So our teaching pool has been a little decreased, but we still have a couple people on track to be baptised and we have lots of lessons lined up with new investigators for this week.  So hopefully we will be able to refill our teaching pool.

As for the new flat we still have not been told when we will be moving in.  I know that we are having lots of new missionaries coming in right now and the mission office is scrambling try to find them all places to live, and we are not being thrown out for another month, so we are pretty far down the priority list when it comes to moving flats.

Which is probably a good thing because it looks like this is going to be a pretty busy week, so it would be pretty crazy to try and move and keep all of our commitments. Although if we do our job right, it will not get any better in the weeks to come.

It is so strange to think that I have been in the UK for over seven weeks now and it still feels like I just got off the plane. It is even crazier to think that I am on the final week of my first transfer and that tonight is dodge night! It is a little scary because anything could happen.  Nothing probably will, because I am still in the middle of training, so it would be highly unusual of them to transfer Elder Orr or myself.  But it has happened before, so we cannot get too comfortable, but we will find out one way or the other when the Zone leaders call tonight!

If we do stay then it will most likely be Elder Orr's last transfer here because he has been in the forest for about five months, which means that I will be assigned to drive the car, and yes they do drive on the left side of the road here which was pretty terrifying for the first month or so.

I do not think driving here will be too bad, the forest is a relatively quiet place. The only real trouble we have is that the county lanes that are out away from the towns are so narrow you can barely fit one car through them and they have this nasty habit of planting massive hedges on both sides of the road. So whenever you come across a car coming from the opposite direction you have to get very creative to pass each other.

By the way I would like to announce that no one back home is ever allowed to call me a picky eater again! After eating the food here, most of it is quite tasty, but every so often we come across some absolutely disgusting stuff. Like a few weeks ago when we went to a members house and they served us vegetarian lasagne  which was absolutely awful but I ate the whole with out complaining.

I also discovered on exchanges that I have been spoiled here in the forest. Elder Orr is a very good cook and we get invited to dinner with members all the time, which I thought was the norm until I went on exchanges and found out that meals with members were once in a blue moon there, and that the menu in the flat was frozen dinners and sandwiches.

Anyway I need to wrap this up. I am loving it here in Wales and England. We have had beautiful weather the last few weeks, the work is going great and we eat like kings here, so life is good.

Also I am going in for my first haircut today which is going to be so weird not having mom do it. Keep me informed about life back in Idaho and I will talk to you next P Day!!!!!!!!!


Elder Purser

Hi Dad,

How are things going back in the promised land?  To answer your question, yes, I have met some Posh people who smash the food on the back of their forks, but the rest of us normal blokes, we us our forks the way God intended.  I found out a couple days ago that I am Twelve stone.  I also learned that my cardigans shed like dogs! Thank goodness for those rolly tape things that get stuff of your clothes.

I also found out that my regular trousers must have shrunk in the wash because we did a bit of service two days ago and I put them on, and they were really snug and I have not gained enough weight to justify them being that snug.  Elder Orr and I had to take the M5 to Birmingham on Friday for follow up trainer's meeting.  Tomorrow we will need to go down to Rubina for ZC.

Well I need to pop off now.  You now how it is Emails, to write people to bring to eternal life and that sort of thing.


Elder Purser

P.S. translate that one for me

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