Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bank Holiday (2 emails 8/26/2014)

Hey everyone!

I am sorry that I did not Email on P day yesterday, but they had what is called a "bank holiday," which basically means that the whole darn country shuts down for the Monday of that week. So if I ever don't send an Email on Monday, it is probably because they are having a bank holiday and everything is closed. In which case I will Email on Tuesday. 
Anyway we had a very exciting week, last week.  I got to invite two of our investigators to be baptised, (this is not an error they do not spell baptise with a Z over here) and they both said yes.  Although the one is not looking to good at the moment, but the other one is rock solid. 
Also I got to go on my first exchange with Elder Allred in the Yate area, which is probably the slowest area in the whole mission. They have not had a baptism in over two years, mainly because the missionaries that have been there in the past were not what you would call, "true and faithful missionaries."  So Elder Allred and his companion have been sent to resurrect it.
Anyway we had a pretty uneventful exchange, since we had no investigators to teach.  All we could really do was walk around and try and find people to teach. The only thing worth mentioning that happened on exchange was that I had a proposal of marriage from a really, really, drunk teenage girl we met on the street, which was quite funny. 
Then after exchanges I came back to the forest of dean, and Elder Orr got a little trunky on me over the weekend. He is a great missionary and I am very glad that he is my companion, but he takes the problems in our area way to personally. 
I have had to sit down with him and give him a little pep talk twice, which is kind of weird since he is my senior companion, but he is doing much better now.
Yesterday was quite interesting, because we locked ourselves out of our flat, and Elder Orr had to climb up the side of the building and across the roof to climb in through the window to get the keys. I recorded the whole thing I may try, and send it to you guys it is a pretty funny video. 
In other news we just got a letter this morning saying that we have two months notice to vacate our flat because they are enlarging the dentist office below us. Which means that the mission office is going to have to find us a new place to live which will be an adventure. 
Anyway I am having a great time wish you were here (but not really because that would be very distracting from the work). I hope everything is going well back home and you are all doing very well.

sincerely Elder Purser
EDY (especially for Dad)

Hi dad, thanks for the pictures of the family that you sent. They brought a smile to the corners of my mouth. It sounds like you had a pretty wild time in North Dakota.  Hope you have recovered yourself. 
Oh by the way thanks for sending (Female name removed by dad)'s Email and just to reassure you I have read the white bible; which states that we should not Email people of the opposite sex that live in or near our mission, and that you should never Email anything that is in appropriate. 
And since six thousand miles away is nowhere in, or near the mission, and I don't plan on sending her anything dirty, I think I am pretty safe. Not to mention that I probably will not have the time to Email her very often anyway, since we only get to use the computers for two hours a week and I have plenty of other things that I have to do first in those two hours. 

Also you forgot to say in your Email if you cracked my Mission/English coded message that I sent you (and I should probably confess that I misspelled the word Brollies in my message because no one ever tells you how to spell these funny little English words).
Anyway for today's coded message I shall use cockney word replacement. Basically how it works is that you take (out)the more important words in the sentence and you replace them with two or three other words the latter of which rhymes with real word.
For example if I was to say "face," instead I would say "boat race" And don't forget that you never pronounce the "h" (pronounced hay-tch) in cockney. Get ready, set, and here we go.

As you will probably 'ave 'eard from my letter to Mom, we will soon 'ave to find a new baseball bat. And when we do, we will 'ave to move all our crockery and stuff, but that shouldn't be too bad because we 'ave a jam jar. The really 'ard part will be bringing the animal 'eads down the apples and pears. Any way I 'ope you 'ave a 'appy day.

best of Britain 

Elder Purser

P.S. I will send multiple Emails in which I have attached some pictures of me and Elder Novotny, Elder Orr, my first time going out for fish and chips, and me standing on the oldest surviving bridge in great Britain which just happens to be in Monmouth where we live.

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